Make a donation.

If you would like to give toward our ministry and help us to "Build Bridges to Christ” in our community, all donations are tax-deductible and can be made securely online below. If you would like to sponsor a student to attend camp, a full sponsorship is $360.


Our annual fall retreat is the most important event that we hold each year. We want EVERY student to have the opportunity to attend camp and hear the GOOD NEWS that Jesus loves them! Finances should never be a barrier to the Gospel. That’s why, we have made it our goal to raise the necessary funds to cover every student who attends Camp Bridgeway. Families who have the ability are also invited to contribute to our efforts by “paying it forward” to help us meet our mission of building bridges to Christ!

Renting the camp facilities, paying for food and materials, and covering our staff, is a very expensive undertaking... but, we feel it is of the HIGHEST importance, as these weeks at camp allow our students to not only have an incredibly memorable week of fun with their friends, but (most importantly) a life-changing experience with their Creator! There is something incredible that happens when students can escape the distractions of cell phones, social media, and the world wide web, to spend a week on a campground with people who show them the love of God on a daily basis! It is powerful and life changing!

If you are interested in sponsoring a student (or multiple students!) to be able to attend Camp Bridgeway, we would be forever grateful! All donations are tax-deductible. A full sponsorship is $360.


Bridgeway’s mission is to build bridges to Christ by providing high-quality and empowering programs that transform our youth, strengthen families, and connect community organizations together